Policy and Research

Policy Advocacy
AB 1975 (Bonta)
Assembly Bill 1975 Testimony (4/16/24)
Assembly Bill 1975 (Bonta), which would make Food as Medicine a permanent Medi-Cal (Medicaid) covered benefit in California, passed through Health Committee on 4/16/24
Prior Assembly Bill advocacy for Food as Medicine
Previous efforts have included AB 1644 (2023), AB 368 (2021) , AB 3188 (2020)
Our policy partners include
- California Medically Supportive Food and Nutrition https://www.msfnca.org/
- National Produce Prescription Collaborative https://nppc.health/
Research & Evaluation
Stanford University, The University of California San Francisco, the Community Health Center Network, Alameda Alliance for Health, and the Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition are working together to evaluate and research Recipe4Health’s impact on health outcomes, healthcare utilization, patient-reported outcomes, health-related behaviors, and food insecurity.
Read about the quasi-experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of Recipe4Health.
Open Source Wellness, in partnership with the Alameda Health System, published an analysis of the effectiveness of a clinic-based group medical visit integration of the behavioral pharmacy model in a federally qualified health center in Hayward, California. They demonstrated significant increases in daily servings of fruits and vegetables and exercise.
Read about Group Medical Visits 2.0: The Open Source Wellness Behavioral Pharmacy Model.